An outdoor canopy can be expensive! And, who really needs one all the time? Borrow a canopy from your library.1 available
First State Bank Building
122 S. Main
Hermitage, AR 71647
United States
An outdoor canopy can be expensive! And, who really needs one all the time? Borrow a canopy from your library.1 available
Don't have a personal computer, we'll let you borrow one! Chromebooks are small laptop computers you can checkout for 1 week. 9 available.
8 different themes available for check out/Storytime Fun to go: Have you ever wanted to have your very own storytime at home? We provide themed Backpacks with 3-4 quality story books, hands-on learning toys, crafts, and tips for parents to extend storytime and early literacy learning and exploring at home.
These are available with rod, reel, and hook. For a fun day of fishing with friends and/or family these are the perfect checkout. 5 @ MO and 10@ LA.
Moving soon or just need a helping hand? Borrow a dolly from the library for your moving needs! 1 available.
A selection of 34 kits filled with learning exercises to engage our young people in discovery. This kits come equipped with all the materials needed to create the lessons described in each. They range from farm animals to things that go, to all about me , and some include the science of experiments. Daycare , Pre-K, and Home school are welcome to utilize these boxes to help add substance to their curriculum.
LET'S DO SOME DIG'N! Put on your helmet, grab your shovel and join that famous paleontologist Rich Uncle Pennybags on a fossil hunt deep in the Jurassic Jungle! This special edition of the Monopoly Junior game, complete with dinosaur "biographies" teaches you all about the giants who used to rule the earth. As you trek around the board, you'll land on dinosaurs and collect their fossils. Now you can charge the other paleontologists to see them! Collect a pair and you've got a "fossil monopoly" and can charge more! Collect the most fossils and the most money and you win.
NOW AVAILABLE FOR CHECK-OUT AT MONTICELLO LIBRARY! NOVELTY CAKE PANS! You can check out a novelty cake pan for 2 WEEKS and make all kinds of cakes in all kinds of shapes!
Monticello Library has 11 outdoor games available to checkout in our Movin' in Monticello Program. These games are family and some large group oriented games to promote community and quality family time. Our games on hand consist of Sidewalk Shuffleboard, Slammo, Horseshoes, Badminton (2), Go find it (2), Capture the Flag (also glows in the dark), Disk Toss and others. These games range from scavenger hunts to frisbee toss, to versions of dart throwing that is safe for the family.
Check out a portable PA system. Perfect for small events and parties. 1 available
Do you have a presentation coming up, but don't have the equipment needed to show it? We can help! 1 available
With the cooler weather upon us, now is a great time to hunker down indoors and try a new puzzle! Assorted themes and sizes available.