eBooks from ADLC/OverDrive

Downloadable eBook collection from the Arkansas Digital Library Consortium, a resource-sharing initiative for public libraries in the state to provide materials for patrons using the OverDrive platform and Libby app.
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122 S. Main
Hermitage, AR 71647
United States
Downloadable eBook collection from the Arkansas Digital Library Consortium, a resource-sharing initiative for public libraries in the state to provide materials for patrons using the OverDrive platform and Libby app.
Downloadable eBook, audiobook, and magazine titles for children from the Arkansas Digital Library Consortium, a resource-sharing initiative for public libraries in the state to provide materials for patrons using the OverDrive platform and Libby app.
Downloadable eBook, audiobook, and magazine titles for teens from the Arkansas Digital Library Consortium, a resource-sharing initiative for public libraries in the state to provide materials for patrons using the OverDrive platform and Libby app.